“She doesn’t dress very well.”
“She’s kind of a hot mess between the yellow hair, too short/too young looks and the open mouthed smiles.”
“She’s also extremely annoying on Instastories.”
“What an idiot!”
“I couldn’t believe she was prancing around Fashion Week like she knew anything about style.”
“All of her skirts and dresses are way too short for her thick legs.”
It was brought to my attention this past Sunday night that a new thread on a blogger “snarking” site was dedicated to me. It was started this past week and a dozen or so women have already jumped on the train of mocking me. The quotes above are just a few of the hateful comments I {regretfully} read. One of the nastiest comments came from an anonymous fellow blogger that said that she saw me in person at last week in NYC.
I’m not going to lie. Reading these comments stung. Bad.
I would like to pretend that I’m thick skinned and can turn away and not care what others say. But I am not. And I can’t.
Even though I put myself out there in curated photos on social media each day, I am still a human. I am still a woman.
I am not immune to feeling the crushing blow of judgment and undue criticism.
I am a 36 year old mother of two. I’ve struggled with my weight this year more than ever. When I look in the mirror, I don’t love what I see.
I’ve struggled with anxiety this year more than ever, trying to figure out how to balance marriage, motherhood, a growing and demanding business, friendships, travel, a dad undergoing cancer treatment and active, school-age twins {one struggling with anxiety, too}
I constantly feel like I am dropping balls, forgetting important to-do’s and late to appointments… and I give myself very little grace.
I have stretch marks on my stomach from carrying twins, which is I only only wear one-piece bathing suits. I hate my arms so that is why I prefer to show my legs. I have stubborn spots of melisma on my face that appeared during IVF treatments seven years ago and I loathe the discoloration when I am make-up free.
I worry each day that I am not doing enough. That I am not enough. I struggle with people pleasing and a fear of failure every day of my life.
I want to appear like I have my shit together.
But I don’t.
When I read these disapproving comments, it speaks to the lie within me that I really am not enough. That I need to be better, look better, do better…ultimately “pretend” better.
Judgment has a way of making us feel imprisoned as a lesser version of ourselves.
The reason I am writing this post, one that is quite different from my usual fashion and lifestyle posts, is because this isn’t just about me. This is about all of us women.
At the end of the day, don’t we all long to be fully known, flaws and all…and then loved and accepted right there?!
You see, as much as we fight against racism, sexism and bullying in our society, we are acting with the same kind of evil when we cut down our fellow sister.
When my blogger friends are publically ridiculed in vulgar terms about their children’s style, their parenting, their weight, their style choices, their wrinkles and God-given body and facial features, it is nothing short of hateful and wrong.
When my stay-at-home mom friends are shamed for not “doing enough” and my career-driven friends are criticized for over-achieving and working too much, it is hateful and wrong.
When my curvy friends are told they need to lose weight and my lean friends are told they need to bulk up, it is hateful and wrong.
When a woman tells another woman she needs to change ANYTHING about herself in order to be loved and accepted, it so ALL SO WRONG.
Especially in a world already filled with so much hate.
This is for ALL of us women :: the mothers, career builders, nurturers, creators, wives, sisters, daughters, friends. We all struggle. We all look in the mirror and focus on our flaws.
We are all haunted…daily…by the feeling that we aren’t enough. Not thin enough, not rich enough, not popular enough, not fun enough, not smart enough, not brave enough, not successful enough, not sexy enough.
So, if we all struggle with the same feelings, why on earth do we fail so miserably at loving and supporting one another?!
God knows none of us needs any more judgment or criticism than we heap on our own selves,,.so can we stop the hateful comments and negativity?! Can’t we instead start supporting, encouraging, embracing, loving and giving each other grace?
It’s about time we stop the judgment. Stop the gossip. Stop the hate.
We have the power to lessen the load of hate in our society if we start among ourselves.
We have the power to help raise a generation of women supporting women.
It’s about time we start looking at other women in the eye, to attempt to see her for who she is and have compassion on her untold story.
It’s about time we give a little more grace. A little more grace to another than we might give ourselves.
A smile, an unexpected compliment, a helping hand, a gracious response. It can make all the difference. It might even change someone’s world.
A lot less hate. A lot more love.
When the tide rises, all ships sail.

Lauren, as someone who knows you personally, I think you are amazing and wonderful!! Your comments are so dead on that I realized I have, at times, been guilty of this too. I am going to do better and be better but I wanted to applaud you for talking about this subject and bringing it out into the light. You are so awesome and never let anyone tell you otherwise!!
Lauren, as someone who knows you personally, I think you are amazing and wonderful!! Your comments are so dead on that I realized I have, at times, been guilty of this too. I am going to do better and be better but I wanted to applaud you for talking about this subject and bringing it out into the light. You are so awesome and never let anyone tell you otherwise!!
Lauren, as someone who knows you personally, I think you are amazing and wonderful!! Your comments are so dead on that I realized I have, at times, been guilty of this too. I am going to do better and be better but I wanted to applaud you for talking about this subject and bringing it out into the light. You are so awesome and never let anyone tell you otherwise!!
Amen! You and I share so much in common and I just wrote in my business newsletter last month that I am real what you see is what you get! I don’t project everything is perfect nor will I ever tell you that! We are all bful and perfect in Gods eyes and that is what matters. Thanks for sharing and you are a rockstar and doing great. ❤️❤️❤️❤️Madalyn
Amen! You and I share so much in common and I just wrote in my business newsletter last month that I am real what you see is what you get! I don’t project everything is perfect nor will I ever tell you that! We are all bful and perfect in Gods eyes and that is what matters. Thanks for sharing and you are a rockstar and doing great. ❤️❤️❤️❤️Madalyn
Amen! You and I share so much in common and I just wrote in my business newsletter last month that I am real what you see is what you get! I don’t project everything is perfect nor will I ever tell you that! We are all bful and perfect in Gods eyes and that is what matters. Thanks for sharing and you are a rockstar and doing great. ❤️❤️❤️❤️Madalyn
Oh Lauren, I am so sorry you had to experience so much hate. It is truly disgusting and SO wrong. I commend you & your bravery for writing this post! A lot more love would do a whole lot of good!
Oh Lauren, I am so sorry you had to experience so much hate. It is truly disgusting and SO wrong. I commend you & your bravery for writing this post! A lot more love would do a whole lot of good!
Oh Lauren, I am so sorry you had to experience so much hate. It is truly disgusting and SO wrong. I commend you & your bravery for writing this post! A lot more love would do a whole lot of good!
Thank you for sharing ❤. People can be so hateful when hiding behind a computer screen. Don’t believe any of the comments- these people don’t know you or your heart. Please keep doing what you do! You have many, many more supportive followers than anything else!
Thank you for sharing ❤. People can be so hateful when hiding behind a computer screen. Don’t believe any of the comments- these people don’t know you or your heart. Please keep doing what you do! You have many, many more supportive followers than anything else!
Thank you for sharing ❤. People can be so hateful when hiding behind a computer screen. Don’t believe any of the comments- these people don’t know you or your heart. Please keep doing what you do! You have many, many more supportive followers than anything else!
Lauren this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for being vulnerable and honest about how hurtful, nasty and unnecessary this kind of behavior is especially in a society that already tears women down.
Lauren this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for being vulnerable and honest about how hurtful, nasty and unnecessary this kind of behavior is especially in a society that already tears women down.
Lauren this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for being vulnerable and honest about how hurtful, nasty and unnecessary this kind of behavior is especially in a society that already tears women down.
Sending you some love friend. You are beautiful and strong and your smile is infectious. We ALL have those days of dropping the ball and letting self-doubt creep in. But what really matters is that is that you’re an amazing mama and you lead by positive example. Keep your gorgeous blonde head up! xo
Sending you some love friend. You are beautiful and strong and your smile is infectious. We ALL have those days of dropping the ball and letting self-doubt creep in. But what really matters is that is that you’re an amazing mama and you lead by positive example. Keep your gorgeous blonde head up! xo
Sending you some love friend. You are beautiful and strong and your smile is infectious. We ALL have those days of dropping the ball and letting self-doubt creep in. But what really matters is that is that you’re an amazing mama and you lead by positive example. Keep your gorgeous blonde head up! xo
Beautifully written!
Beautifully written!
Beautifully written!
Thank you so much for writing this! It’s sad how fast and easily people will say hurtful and degrading things on the internet. Just because someone is a blogger or influencer does not make it okay to say these types of things. We’re all human, dealing with insecurities and trying to do the best we can every day. I am so so sorry this happened to you, I hope this stops at least one more person from cyber attacking another.
Thank you so much for writing this! It’s sad how fast and easily people will say hurtful and degrading things on the internet. Just because someone is a blogger or influencer does not make it okay to say these types of things. We’re all human, dealing with insecurities and trying to do the best we can every day. I am so so sorry this happened to you, I hope this stops at least one more person from cyber attacking another.
Thank you so much for writing this! It’s sad how fast and easily people will say hurtful and degrading things on the internet. Just because someone is a blogger or influencer does not make it okay to say these types of things. We’re all human, dealing with insecurities and trying to do the best we can every day. I am so so sorry this happened to you, I hope this stops at least one more person from cyber attacking another.
Thanks for writing this. You are beautiful and you’re so right about lifting each other up. 🙂
Thanks for writing this. You are beautiful and you’re so right about lifting each other up. 🙂
Thanks for writing this. You are beautiful and you’re so right about lifting each other up. 🙂
Beautifully written😘 Unfortunately, the gossip and criticism usually comes from insecurity and says way more about the person doing the criticising.
Thankfully, we are able to have a true identity and security through Jesus.
I love your vulnerability & how you accentuate the beautiful body God has given you. Beauty is meant to be shared, enjoyed, & celebrated in all of its beautiful unique forms. You are such an inspiration.
YOU, my dear, are a shining light. Keep letting that light shine💕
Beautifully written😘 Unfortunately, the gossip and criticism usually comes from insecurity and says way more about the person doing the criticising.
Thankfully, we are able to have a true identity and security through Jesus.
I love your vulnerability & how you accentuate the beautiful body God has given you. Beauty is meant to be shared, enjoyed, & celebrated in all of its beautiful unique forms. You are such an inspiration.
YOU, my dear, are a shining light. Keep letting that light shine💕
Beautifully written😘 Unfortunately, the gossip and criticism usually comes from insecurity and says way more about the person doing the criticising.
Thankfully, we are able to have a true identity and security through Jesus.
I love your vulnerability & how you accentuate the beautiful body God has given you. Beauty is meant to be shared, enjoyed, & celebrated in all of its beautiful unique forms. You are such an inspiration.
YOU, my dear, are a shining light. Keep letting that light shine💕
Wow! I was short on time today and was just going to bypass your post but so glad I didn’t ! I am so sorry that happened to you. I can only imagine the pain from those verbal assaults. Shame on those women. But maybe I have said comments (or thought them at the very least), so I now am sitting up a little straighter to not just point the finger at others but to look at myself. How many times have I been watching TV and make a critical comment on the weather girl’s looks/outfit.. Shame on me! Thank you for this very thoughtful post. Again I am so sorry you had the endure this.
Wow! I was short on time today and was just going to bypass your post but so glad I didn’t ! I am so sorry that happened to you. I can only imagine the pain from those verbal assaults. Shame on those women. But maybe I have said comments (or thought them at the very least), so I now am sitting up a little straighter to not just point the finger at others but to look at myself. How many times have I been watching TV and make a critical comment on the weather girl’s looks/outfit.. Shame on me! Thank you for this very thoughtful post. Again I am so sorry you had the endure this.
Wow! I was short on time today and was just going to bypass your post but so glad I didn’t ! I am so sorry that happened to you. I can only imagine the pain from those verbal assaults. Shame on those women. But maybe I have said comments (or thought them at the very least), so I now am sitting up a little straighter to not just point the finger at others but to look at myself. How many times have I been watching TV and make a critical comment on the weather girl’s looks/outfit.. Shame on me! Thank you for this very thoughtful post. Again I am so sorry you had the endure this.
You are amazing for sharing this! It’s all so true. Everyone struggles with something (and most people with a lot). You are definitely helping by sharing this!!
Lauren from A Lo Profile
You are amazing for sharing this! It’s all so true. Everyone struggles with something (and most people with a lot). You are definitely helping by sharing this!!
Lauren from A Lo Profile
You are amazing for sharing this! It’s all so true. Everyone struggles with something (and most people with a lot). You are definitely helping by sharing this!!
Lauren from A Lo Profile
Ok this makes my blood boil. Especially where you say another blogger was writing on there what in the hell we should be uplifting each other instead of tearing each other down. I met you at fashion week and I thought that you were beautiful and you were one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met.
I love this post! Sharing it now!
Ok this makes my blood boil. Especially where you say another blogger was writing on there what in the hell we should be uplifting each other instead of tearing each other down. I met you at fashion week and I thought that you were beautiful and you were one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met.
I love this post! Sharing it now!
Ok this makes my blood boil. Especially where you say another blogger was writing on there what in the hell we should be uplifting each other instead of tearing each other down. I met you at fashion week and I thought that you were beautiful and you were one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met.
I love this post! Sharing it now!
I’m commenting because I have admired your vibrancy and utilized your recommendations without letting you know you’re appreciated. Reading your open post, reminds me not to take encouragement for granted. You are fresh, courageous, devoted, and possess so many admirable characteristics of womanhood. You are beautiful, but your willingness to be vulnerable(which is indicative of strength in character) furthers your relatability & social impact. Let yours be a pleasant fragrance while the foul blatantly stink. While some will not heed the call, indeed, we should maintain the /kind/ in mankind. Press on! go in grace…
I’m commenting because I have admired your vibrancy and utilized your recommendations without letting you know you’re appreciated. Reading your open post, reminds me not to take encouragement for granted. You are fresh, courageous, devoted, and possess so many admirable characteristics of womanhood. You are beautiful, but your willingness to be vulnerable(which is indicative of strength in character) furthers your relatability & social impact. Let yours be a pleasant fragrance while the foul blatantly stink. While some will not heed the call, indeed, we should maintain the /kind/ in mankind. Press on! go in grace…
I’m commenting because I have admired your vibrancy and utilized your recommendations without letting you know you’re appreciated. Reading your open post, reminds me not to take encouragement for granted. You are fresh, courageous, devoted, and possess so many admirable characteristics of womanhood. You are beautiful, but your willingness to be vulnerable(which is indicative of strength in character) furthers your relatability & social impact. Let yours be a pleasant fragrance while the foul blatantly stink. While some will not heed the call, indeed, we should maintain the /kind/ in mankind. Press on! go in grace…
Sending Love from Vermont! I love your style and would love to think I could rock some of your outfits in VT…. hmm not always so sure. This post makes me love your spirit and style more! We need so much more Love! Thanks for keeping it real! I would love to start a lifestyle/fashion blog but my niece told me I’d have to be thick skinned bc of the haters out there. You keep rocking what you are doing regardless!! 💗💗💗
Sending Love from Vermont! I love your style and would love to think I could rock some of your outfits in VT…. hmm not always so sure. This post makes me love your spirit and style more! We need so much more Love! Thanks for keeping it real! I would love to start a lifestyle/fashion blog but my niece told me I’d have to be thick skinned bc of the haters out there. You keep rocking what you are doing regardless!! 💗💗💗
Sending Love from Vermont! I love your style and would love to think I could rock some of your outfits in VT…. hmm not always so sure. This post makes me love your spirit and style more! We need so much more Love! Thanks for keeping it real! I would love to start a lifestyle/fashion blog but my niece told me I’d have to be thick skinned bc of the haters out there. You keep rocking what you are doing regardless!! 💗💗💗
Love you so much for posting this!! Thank you!!
Love you so much for posting this!! Thank you!!
Love you so much for posting this!! Thank you!!
Girl, you keep doing you. You are so right that it’s incredibly hard to not let the negative affect us. Through we exist in a world where we, as bloggers, put ourselves out in the open on a daily basis, that certainly doesn’t mean the cristcism stings any less. The entire GOMI blog needs to get off of all "our internets". Just remember that you have support in a wonderful blogging community, always!
xx, Danielle | http://www.pineappleandprosecco.com
Girl, you keep doing you. You are so right that it’s incredibly hard to not let the negative affect us. Through we exist in a world where we, as bloggers, put ourselves out in the open on a daily basis, that certainly doesn’t mean the cristcism stings any less. The entire GOMI blog needs to get off of all "our internets". Just remember that you have support in a wonderful blogging community, always!
xx, Danielle | http://www.pineappleandprosecco.com
Girl, you keep doing you. You are so right that it’s incredibly hard to not let the negative affect us. Through we exist in a world where we, as bloggers, put ourselves out in the open on a daily basis, that certainly doesn’t mean the cristcism stings any less. The entire GOMI blog needs to get off of all "our internets". Just remember that you have support in a wonderful blogging community, always!
xx, Danielle | http://www.pineappleandprosecco.com
You inspire me so much with the positive energy and love of fashion that shines through in your blogs! I agree that it’s so important to be uplifting and supportive to others. Keep blogging!
You inspire me so much with the positive energy and love of fashion that shines through in your blogs! I agree that it’s so important to be uplifting and supportive to others. Keep blogging!
You inspire me so much with the positive energy and love of fashion that shines through in your blogs! I agree that it’s so important to be uplifting and supportive to others. Keep blogging!
I can’t believe anyone could say those awful things about you! As a newbie blogger I look up to you so much and love everything that you post! Keep up the great work, Lauren!
I can’t believe anyone could say those awful things about you! As a newbie blogger I look up to you so much and love everything that you post! Keep up the great work, Lauren!
I can’t believe anyone could say those awful things about you! As a newbie blogger I look up to you so much and love everything that you post! Keep up the great work, Lauren!
Lauren – you are not only beautiful on the outside, you are even more beautiful on the inside. This post is bang on. Why are we constantly putting each other down? Men tend to always stand up for each other, and yet we always break each other down. We need to stick together and stop the bullying. Thank you for this post – it was so moving – and for your courage! Sending you sooo much love!!!! xxoxo
Lauren – you are not only beautiful on the outside, you are even more beautiful on the inside. This post is bang on. Why are we constantly putting each other down? Men tend to always stand up for each other, and yet we always break each other down. We need to stick together and stop the bullying. Thank you for this post – it was so moving – and for your courage! Sending you sooo much love!!!! xxoxo
Lauren – you are not only beautiful on the outside, you are even more beautiful on the inside. This post is bang on. Why are we constantly putting each other down? Men tend to always stand up for each other, and yet we always break each other down. We need to stick together and stop the bullying. Thank you for this post – it was so moving – and for your courage! Sending you sooo much love!!!! xxoxo
Lauren. I recent showed your blog to a friend. First comment. "God she’s gorgeous!" You are gorgeous inside and out. Don’t let them get to you. People are going to hate regardless what you do. You are fantastic with what you do. Very well written!!!
Lauren. I recent showed your blog to a friend. First comment. "God she’s gorgeous!" You are gorgeous inside and out. Don’t let them get to you. People are going to hate regardless what you do. You are fantastic with what you do. Very well written!!!
Lauren. I recent showed your blog to a friend. First comment. "God she’s gorgeous!" You are gorgeous inside and out. Don’t let them get to you. People are going to hate regardless what you do. You are fantastic with what you do. Very well written!!!
Love this post ! It’s so true. Your legs are to die for btw. Wish more people had this outlook on life. Keep your head up ♥️ Sending love.
Xo, Calla
I’m so sorry that you experienced those hateful words. I absolutely adore your style and after reading this post, I admire you even more more than before! I think that someone hiding begging an anonymous post is cowardly and disgraceful…and like you said, hateful. I’m just so sorry that you had to experience that. Thank you for reminding us to love and support each other more- I know we can all do more to lift each other up. Hugs your way!
I’m so sorry that you experienced those hateful words. I absolutely adore your style and after reading this post, I admire you even more more than before! I think that someone hiding begging an anonymous post is cowardly and disgraceful…and like you said, hateful. I’m just so sorry that you had to experience that. Thank you for reminding us to love and support each other more- I know we can all do more to lift each other up. Hugs your way!
I’m so sorry that you experienced those hateful words. I absolutely adore your style and after reading this post, I admire you even more more than before! I think that someone hiding begging an anonymous post is cowardly and disgraceful…and like you said, hateful. I’m just so sorry that you had to experience that. Thank you for reminding us to love and support each other more- I know we can all do more to lift each other up. Hugs your way!
I think you’re amazing. I watch your insta stories and feel inspired, you make me want to be a better person. Thank you for the honest post.
I think you’re amazing. I watch your insta stories and feel inspired, you make me want to be a better person. Thank you for the honest post.
I think you’re amazing. I watch your insta stories and feel inspired, you make me want to be a better person. Thank you for the honest post.
This is beautiful – thank you for taking a negative and turning it into a positive. You have a new fan from a fellow blogger who doesn’t put up with the trolling nonsense either!
This is beautiful – thank you for taking a negative and turning it into a positive. You have a new fan from a fellow blogger who doesn’t put up with the trolling nonsense either!
This is beautiful – thank you for taking a negative and turning it into a positive. You have a new fan from a fellow blogger who doesn’t put up with the trolling nonsense either!
You are a beautiful and intelligent woman. You balance your job of blogging, styling and everything else I can’t possibly understand because it’s not my area of expertise. You provide an income for your family doing something that you clearly love. You have thousands of followers that tune in to get style help. Myself included. You provide a great service for me a mother of 5 that wants to look stylish but honestly doesn’t have the gift. So you help me and thousand of others "look put together." It is my experience with people who comment negatively to be that of jealousy. Jealous that you are so talented. Jealous that you have more followers and more sponsors. Whatever. Please take their comments with a grain of salt. It just means you have something they want and apparently can’t get. As far as weight, hair color, parenting and children….you are beautifully and fearfully made. He chose you to raise your kids. Keep on doing a great job.
You are a beautiful and intelligent woman. You balance your job of blogging, styling and everything else I can’t possibly understand because it’s not my area of expertise. You provide an income for your family doing something that you clearly love. You have thousands of followers that tune in to get style help. Myself included. You provide a great service for me a mother of 5 that wants to look stylish but honestly doesn’t have the gift. So you help me and thousand of others "look put together." It is my experience with people who comment negatively to be that of jealousy. Jealous that you are so talented. Jealous that you have more followers and more sponsors. Whatever. Please take their comments with a grain of salt. It just means you have something they want and apparently can’t get. As far as weight, hair color, parenting and children….you are beautifully and fearfully made. He chose you to raise your kids. Keep on doing a great job.
You are a beautiful and intelligent woman. You balance your job of blogging, styling and everything else I can’t possibly understand because it’s not my area of expertise. You provide an income for your family doing something that you clearly love. You have thousands of followers that tune in to get style help. Myself included. You provide a great service for me a mother of 5 that wants to look stylish but honestly doesn’t have the gift. So you help me and thousand of others "look put together." It is my experience with people who comment negatively to be that of jealousy. Jealous that you are so talented. Jealous that you have more followers and more sponsors. Whatever. Please take their comments with a grain of salt. It just means you have something they want and apparently can’t get. As far as weight, hair color, parenting and children….you are beautifully and fearfully made. He chose you to raise your kids. Keep on doing a great job.
Omg I am just horrified with these comments. Obviously they do not live by the rule..if you have nothing nice to say – say nothing at all. Your a beautiful young lady!! The world can be cruel sometimes, stay strong and don’t change!!! ❤️
Omg I am just horrified with these comments. Obviously they do not live by the rule..if you have nothing nice to say – say nothing at all. Your a beautiful young lady!! The world can be cruel sometimes, stay strong and don’t change!!! ❤️
Omg I am just horrified with these comments. Obviously they do not live by the rule..if you have nothing nice to say – say nothing at all. Your a beautiful young lady!! The world can be cruel sometimes, stay strong and don’t change!!! ❤️
First of all thank you so much for writing this! When I first found out about Gomi and the kind of hateful "opinions" that on there and the fact that not even children are off limits…I felt like I was punched in the stomach. Needless to say are gorgeous (can’t believe you carried twins!) strong and oh so brave! Sometimes its best to stay uninformed since only darkness seems to come from this blog. Stay strong & stay in the light babe x
First of all thank you so much for writing this! When I first found out about Gomi and the kind of hateful "opinions" that on there and the fact that not even children are off limits…I felt like I was punched in the stomach. Needless to say are gorgeous (can’t believe you carried twins!) strong and oh so brave! Sometimes its best to stay uninformed since only darkness seems to come from this blog. Stay strong & stay in the light babe x
First of all thank you so much for writing this! When I first found out about Gomi and the kind of hateful "opinions" that on there and the fact that not even children are off limits…I felt like I was punched in the stomach. Needless to say are gorgeous (can’t believe you carried twins!) strong and oh so brave! Sometimes its best to stay uninformed since only darkness seems to come from this blog. Stay strong & stay in the light babe x
I don’t ever comment on these posts, but I felt the need to tell you to not believe the lies. And you ARE enough and you do enough! And god put you as those precious kids momma for a reason. Personally I dont want to look at a blogger and find perfection, I find the joy in the imperfections and can relate so much more❤️ Keep your chin up and keep being YOU
I don’t ever comment on these posts, but I felt the need to tell you to not believe the lies. And you ARE enough and you do enough! And god put you as those precious kids momma for a reason. Personally I dont want to look at a blogger and find perfection, I find the joy in the imperfections and can relate so much more❤️ Keep your chin up and keep being YOU
I don’t ever comment on these posts, but I felt the need to tell you to not believe the lies. And you ARE enough and you do enough! And god put you as those precious kids momma for a reason. Personally I dont want to look at a blogger and find perfection, I find the joy in the imperfections and can relate so much more❤️ Keep your chin up and keep being YOU
You are one of my favorite bloggers because you are Authentic! Your style is amazing and I love your instagram pictures and blog because it is style that is trendy, classic yet affordable! I love that you aren’t stick thin because it makes yourelatable to the average blog reader! I can’t relate to you on the looking in the mirror and not liking the weight as I have struggled more than ever with my own weight this year! It’s hard to see so many bloggers commenting "for size reference I’m an XS and size 24 in jeans." The average blog reader probably isn’t that measurement and I love that you are a "normal" size and look AMAZING!!!!! Keep doing your thing and just ignore the haters! It really is sad that so many women has to beat down other women! Just think, those same women posting hate hiding behind their computer screen are just jealous women who are probably raising kids that will sadly be bullies in life because after all they are a bully!
You are one of my favorite bloggers because you are Authentic! Your style is amazing and I love your instagram pictures and blog because it is style that is trendy, classic yet affordable! I love that you aren’t stick thin because it makes yourelatable to the average blog reader! I can’t relate to you on the looking in the mirror and not liking the weight as I have struggled more than ever with my own weight this year! It’s hard to see so many bloggers commenting "for size reference I’m an XS and size 24 in jeans." The average blog reader probably isn’t that measurement and I love that you are a "normal" size and look AMAZING!!!!! Keep doing your thing and just ignore the haters! It really is sad that so many women has to beat down other women! Just think, those same women posting hate hiding behind their computer screen are just jealous women who are probably raising kids that will sadly be bullies in life because after all they are a bully!
You are one of my favorite bloggers because you are Authentic! Your style is amazing and I love your instagram pictures and blog because it is style that is trendy, classic yet affordable! I love that you aren’t stick thin because it makes yourelatable to the average blog reader! I can’t relate to you on the looking in the mirror and not liking the weight as I have struggled more than ever with my own weight this year! It’s hard to see so many bloggers commenting "for size reference I’m an XS and size 24 in jeans." The average blog reader probably isn’t that measurement and I love that you are a "normal" size and look AMAZING!!!!! Keep doing your thing and just ignore the haters! It really is sad that so many women has to beat down other women! Just think, those same women posting hate hiding behind their computer screen are just jealous women who are probably raising kids that will sadly be bullies in life because after all they are a bully!
Lauren, I have been a devoted follower for 8 years! I will never forget meeting that beautiful 28- year- old- Lauren who came to my door to help me edit my closet when you were just starting your business. I am old enough to be your mother, so I am feeling quite protective of you right now! I have watched you become a mother of twins AND grow your business into an amazing success. It has been nothing short of incredible watching you chases your dreams and create your brand. You have helped me stay stylish and cute in my 50’s just by following your blog – because I don’t have that talent on my own – I am sure you have done the same for so many others!! On top of that I know that your are a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN OF GOD. Yes, you are stunning, but what really counts is on the inside. You know and love your creator – He created you perfectly and He has directed your steps – and it shows. I am so proud of you. Don’t listen to the haters – they are just jealous!
Lauren, I have been a devoted follower for 8 years! I will never forget meeting that beautiful 28- year- old- Lauren who came to my door to help me edit my closet when you were just starting your business. I am old enough to be your mother, so I am feeling quite protective of you right now! I have watched you become a mother of twins AND grow your business into an amazing success. It has been nothing short of incredible watching you chases your dreams and create your brand. You have helped me stay stylish and cute in my 50’s just by following your blog – because I don’t have that talent on my own – I am sure you have done the same for so many others!! On top of that I know that your are a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN OF GOD. Yes, you are stunning, but what really counts is on the inside. You know and love your creator – He created you perfectly and He has directed your steps – and it shows. I am so proud of you. Don’t listen to the haters – they are just jealous!
Lauren, I have been a devoted follower for 8 years! I will never forget meeting that beautiful 28- year- old- Lauren who came to my door to help me edit my closet when you were just starting your business. I am old enough to be your mother, so I am feeling quite protective of you right now! I have watched you become a mother of twins AND grow your business into an amazing success. It has been nothing short of incredible watching you chases your dreams and create your brand. You have helped me stay stylish and cute in my 50’s just by following your blog – because I don’t have that talent on my own – I am sure you have done the same for so many others!! On top of that I know that your are a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN OF GOD. Yes, you are stunning, but what really counts is on the inside. You know and love your creator – He created you perfectly and He has directed your steps – and it shows. I am so proud of you. Don’t listen to the haters – they are just jealous!
I love this post-so honest, real, and it is like you are echoing the sentiments in my head that circle there daily. You are enough, perfectly made just as you are, and we are all in this life together. The best thing we can do for each other is just show up, in all of our imperfections, and love and cheer each other through each step. ❤️
I love this post-so honest, real, and it is like you are echoing the sentiments in my head that circle there daily. You are enough, perfectly made just as you are, and we are all in this life together. The best thing we can do for each other is just show up, in all of our imperfections, and love and cheer each other through each step. ❤️
I love this post-so honest, real, and it is like you are echoing the sentiments in my head that circle there daily. You are enough, perfectly made just as you are, and we are all in this life together. The best thing we can do for each other is just show up, in all of our imperfections, and love and cheer each other through each step. ❤️
Yes! You are so right!!! I don’t know why there’s so much hate in the (online-) world! I’ve gotten myself a shipload of that…thankfully there are also kind women. But just like you, I find us women should stick together and lift each other up- we have to fight against enough crap, so why against each other? Stop this behavior women in the world and start to empower each other!!! 💋Just another blogger over at http://www.beauty4free2u.com
Yes! You are so right!!! I don’t know why there’s so much hate in the (online-) world! I’ve gotten myself a shipload of that…thankfully there are also kind women. But just like you, I find us women should stick together and lift each other up- we have to fight against enough crap, so why against each other? Stop this behavior women in the world and start to empower each other!!! 💋Just another blogger over at http://www.beauty4free2u.com
Yes! You are so right!!! I don’t know why there’s so much hate in the (online-) world! I’ve gotten myself a shipload of that…thankfully there are also kind women. But just like you, I find us women should stick together and lift each other up- we have to fight against enough crap, so why against each other? Stop this behavior women in the world and start to empower each other!!! 💋Just another blogger over at http://www.beauty4free2u.com
You are awesome and beautiful! This is a wonderful, heartfelt post that will mean a lot to women everywhere. Props to you. Too bad for those sour ass people.. they don’t care that they lash out at others all the while not being able to deal with their insecurities within.
Good for you to be able to rise above it !
You are awesome and beautiful! This is a wonderful, heartfelt post that will mean a lot to women everywhere. Props to you. Too bad for those sour ass people.. they don’t care that they lash out at others all the while not being able to deal with their insecurities within.
Good for you to be able to rise above it !
You are awesome and beautiful! This is a wonderful, heartfelt post that will mean a lot to women everywhere. Props to you. Too bad for those sour ass people.. they don’t care that they lash out at others all the while not being able to deal with their insecurities within.
Good for you to be able to rise above it !
Your post is honest and straight forward and should gain you more respect in this aspect, but in reality you should just be flattered they thought you were important enough to talk about and keep it moving!!! I think your response was great and yes there should be more love than hate but when you have a following unfortunately you don’t appeal to everyone and you’re not suppose to!!! That’s why there are so many people in the world and you are being the bigger person! You are better than all the negative talk 🙂 glad you took the time to stand up for yourself and be open so many people face things daily that others do not know about in their personal lives and kindness can go a long way! Be true to yourself as you are doing right now!
Women who attack other women are not true women — they are jealous bitches who can’t stand to see others succeed. Your posts are adorable, Lauren. Keep up the good work. Toasts to all the great ladies out there who support one another 😘✌️
Women who attack other women are not true women — they are jealous bitches who can’t stand to see others succeed. Your posts are adorable, Lauren. Keep up the good work. Toasts to all the great ladies out there who support one another 😘✌️
Women who attack other women are not true women — they are jealous bitches who can’t stand to see others succeed. Your posts are adorable, Lauren. Keep up the good work. Toasts to all the great ladies out there who support one another 😘✌️
Oh Lauren…this is so heart breaking to read. You are such a beautiful person on the outside but even if that wasn’t the case you would still radiate such beauty because of who you are as a person in Christ. Thank you for writing this post and shame on anyone who has anything unkind to say about any woman EVER. We are already so incredibly critical of ourselves…no need for unwanted help in that department. Love you 😘
Oh Lauren…this is so heart breaking to read. You are such a beautiful person on the outside but even if that wasn’t the case you would still radiate such beauty because of who you are as a person in Christ. Thank you for writing this post and shame on anyone who has anything unkind to say about any woman EVER. We are already so incredibly critical of ourselves…no need for unwanted help in that department. Love you 😘
Oh Lauren…this is so heart breaking to read. You are such a beautiful person on the outside but even if that wasn’t the case you would still radiate such beauty because of who you are as a person in Christ. Thank you for writing this post and shame on anyone who has anything unkind to say about any woman EVER. We are already so incredibly critical of ourselves…no need for unwanted help in that department. Love you 😘
Ughhh I’m so sorry to hear this. I enjoy watching you’re stories. You are adorable and try not to read all the negative crap that people post. I know easier said than done but keep posting because there are bunch of us that follow you!!
Ughhh I’m so sorry to hear this. I enjoy watching you’re stories. You are adorable and try not to read all the negative crap that people post. I know easier said than done but keep posting because there are bunch of us that follow you!!
Ughhh I’m so sorry to hear this. I enjoy watching you’re stories. You are adorable and try not to read all the negative crap that people post. I know easier said than done but keep posting because there are bunch of us that follow you!!
Wow girl. I am so sorry this happened to you. Everyone is so quick to judge and say negative comments especially behind the screen of a phone or computer. Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts and feelings. I am sharing this on my Facebook page.
@trendyinindy || trendyinindy.com
Wow girl. I am so sorry this happened to you. Everyone is so quick to judge and say negative comments especially behind the screen of a phone or computer. Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts and feelings. I am sharing this on my Facebook page.
@trendyinindy || trendyinindy.com
Wow girl. I am so sorry this happened to you. Everyone is so quick to judge and say negative comments especially behind the screen of a phone or computer. Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts and feelings. I am sharing this on my Facebook page.
@trendyinindy || trendyinindy.com
Lauren, you are enough! This post hits so many heart strings. All women at one point or another struggle with these very same thoughts. I don’t know you personally but of all the feeds I follow, I look forward to yours the most! It’s real, colorful, and fun! And I imagine that is because it’s a reflection of your own heart. I’m sorry you had to read those terrible words. And I’m sorry for those women that felt like they had to put you down to make themselves feel better. I want my daughter to work hard, be nice, and love others. Thank you for your vulnerability. You are beautiful and have to die for legs!!
By the way, I was just at Nordstrom buying some of your favs. ❤️
Lauren, you are enough! This post hits so many heart strings. All women at one point or another struggle with these very same thoughts. I don’t know you personally but of all the feeds I follow, I look forward to yours the most! It’s real, colorful, and fun! And I imagine that is because it’s a reflection of your own heart. I’m sorry you had to read those terrible words. And I’m sorry for those women that felt like they had to put you down to make themselves feel better. I want my daughter to work hard, be nice, and love others. Thank you for your vulnerability. You are beautiful and have to die for legs!!
By the way, I was just at Nordstrom buying some of your favs. ❤️
Lauren, you are enough! This post hits so many heart strings. All women at one point or another struggle with these very same thoughts. I don’t know you personally but of all the feeds I follow, I look forward to yours the most! It’s real, colorful, and fun! And I imagine that is because it’s a reflection of your own heart. I’m sorry you had to read those terrible words. And I’m sorry for those women that felt like they had to put you down to make themselves feel better. I want my daughter to work hard, be nice, and love others. Thank you for your vulnerability. You are beautiful and have to die for legs!!
By the way, I was just at Nordstrom buying some of your favs. ❤️
I’d like to echo some of the other comments here saying that the nasty things you read aren’t just mean, they’re straight-up wrong.
I have to say that your instastories always make my day, and I really look forward to your NYFW pics each season! It can be so hard to figure out how to translate runway trends to real life, and you make it look so easy and doable.
Also, who calls blonde hair ‘yellow’???
I’d like to echo some of the other comments here saying that the nasty things you read aren’t just mean, they’re straight-up wrong.
I have to say that your instastories always make my day, and I really look forward to your NYFW pics each season! It can be so hard to figure out how to translate runway trends to real life, and you make it look so easy and doable.
Also, who calls blonde hair ‘yellow’???
I’d like to echo some of the other comments here saying that the nasty things you read aren’t just mean, they’re straight-up wrong.
I have to say that your instastories always make my day, and I really look forward to your NYFW pics each season! It can be so hard to figure out how to translate runway trends to real life, and you make it look so easy and doable.
Also, who calls blonde hair ‘yellow’???
I cried when I read this post. You are a really beautiful woman, working and raising 2 children, I look up to you so much. I can’t even believe women can be that mean or at least they still are in 2017. It makes me sick and sad. I dealt with that kind of mean behavior in high school, many many years ago and thought it would get better, not worse. Just remember when others put us down, or shame us, they are dealing with their own insure issues. I don’t understand how women don’t realize we all are better off lifting each other UP not DOWN. We live in a tough world these days and I don’t even know what the answer is anymore. I just know that I am going to continue to spread kindness and love. You have so many of us here that are in your corner, so you keep doing the great job you have been doing. xoxo
I cried when I read this post. You are a really beautiful woman, working and raising 2 children, I look up to you so much. I can’t even believe women can be that mean or at least they still are in 2017. It makes me sick and sad. I dealt with that kind of mean behavior in high school, many many years ago and thought it would get better, not worse. Just remember when others put us down, or shame us, they are dealing with their own insure issues. I don’t understand how women don’t realize we all are better off lifting each other UP not DOWN. We live in a tough world these days and I don’t even know what the answer is anymore. I just know that I am going to continue to spread kindness and love. You have so many of us here that are in your corner, so you keep doing the great job you have been doing. xoxo
I cried when I read this post. You are a really beautiful woman, working and raising 2 children, I look up to you so much. I can’t even believe women can be that mean or at least they still are in 2017. It makes me sick and sad. I dealt with that kind of mean behavior in high school, many many years ago and thought it would get better, not worse. Just remember when others put us down, or shame us, they are dealing with their own insure issues. I don’t understand how women don’t realize we all are better off lifting each other UP not DOWN. We live in a tough world these days and I don’t even know what the answer is anymore. I just know that I am going to continue to spread kindness and love. You have so many of us here that are in your corner, so you keep doing the great job you have been doing. xoxo
I think your site, your insta stories and your blog are fantastic. I may not always like the dress you chose or the colour but it is only because I probably don’t see myself in it. Be yourself, be wonderful, be successful and don’t beat yourself up. People who posts nasty things on social media especially anonymously are outlet jealous of your success. Be tougher. Be brace. You have Toni’s of great things going for you. Flaunt them enjoy them.
I think your site, your insta stories and your blog are fantastic. I may not always like the dress you chose or the colour but it is only because I probably don’t see myself in it. Be yourself, be wonderful, be successful and don’t beat yourself up. People who posts nasty things on social media especially anonymously are outlet jealous of your success. Be tougher. Be brace. You have Toni’s of great things going for you. Flaunt them enjoy them.
I think your site, your insta stories and your blog are fantastic. I may not always like the dress you chose or the colour but it is only because I probably don’t see myself in it. Be yourself, be wonderful, be successful and don’t beat yourself up. People who posts nasty things on social media especially anonymously are outlet jealous of your success. Be tougher. Be brace. You have Toni’s of great things going for you. Flaunt them enjoy them.
Sweetie, you are just beautiful. I enjoy your instagram very much! You just keep your head up and keep going.
Sweetie, you are just beautiful. I enjoy your instagram very much! You just keep your head up and keep going.
Sweetie, you are just beautiful. I enjoy your instagram very much! You just keep your head up and keep going.
Omg! I ADORE you and love that you’re real! You have a fabulous shape and I love your legs. I’m 5’8" with curves and it’s refreshing to see someone who has a shape wear the latest treads! You’ve made me feel like I have a chance at style! Love this post…LOVE what you’re doing. Please keep doing it!!
Omg! I ADORE you and love that you’re real! You have a fabulous shape and I love your legs. I’m 5’8" with curves and it’s refreshing to see someone who has a shape wear the latest treads! You’ve made me feel like I have a chance at style! Love this post…LOVE what you’re doing. Please keep doing it!!
Omg! I ADORE you and love that you’re real! You have a fabulous shape and I love your legs. I’m 5’8" with curves and it’s refreshing to see someone who has a shape wear the latest treads! You’ve made me feel like I have a chance at style! Love this post…LOVE what you’re doing. Please keep doing it!!
Lauren you are beautiful inside and out…which shows in all you do…and it is the main reason why you were the first blog I started following 8 years ago and why now even though I follow several others and several other bloggers on Instagram…you are still the first one I go to everyday and the one I email or message for true opinions. I love more than anything your honesty and realness that you do have stress like the rest of us, you do gain weight, you do sometimes have good intentions of working out but don’t make it, etc. I could go on and on…please don’t change one bit because of those negative people, and your post is so spot on and beautiful. I can guarantee those negative people are only lashing out because they have SO many insecurities themselves…it is a shame so many believe that making fun of others somehow makes them feel better or makes them think they are perfect. No one is and no one ever will be! Keep doing what you are doing exactly how you are doing it! 😊
Lauren you are beautiful inside and out…which shows in all you do…and it is the main reason why you were the first blog I started following 8 years ago and why now even though I follow several others and several other bloggers on Instagram…you are still the first one I go to everyday and the one I email or message for true opinions. I love more than anything your honesty and realness that you do have stress like the rest of us, you do gain weight, you do sometimes have good intentions of working out but don’t make it, etc. I could go on and on…please don’t change one bit because of those negative people, and your post is so spot on and beautiful. I can guarantee those negative people are only lashing out because they have SO many insecurities themselves…it is a shame so many believe that making fun of others somehow makes them feel better or makes them think they are perfect. No one is and no one ever will be! Keep doing what you are doing exactly how you are doing it! 😊
Lauren you are beautiful inside and out…which shows in all you do…and it is the main reason why you were the first blog I started following 8 years ago and why now even though I follow several others and several other bloggers on Instagram…you are still the first one I go to everyday and the one I email or message for true opinions. I love more than anything your honesty and realness that you do have stress like the rest of us, you do gain weight, you do sometimes have good intentions of working out but don’t make it, etc. I could go on and on…please don’t change one bit because of those negative people, and your post is so spot on and beautiful. I can guarantee those negative people are only lashing out because they have SO many insecurities themselves…it is a shame so many believe that making fun of others somehow makes them feel better or makes them think they are perfect. No one is and no one ever will be! Keep doing what you are doing exactly how you are doing it! 😊
I never comment on blog posts but this time I felt the need to. You are enough. You are beautiful. You are a wonderful mother. Your post said what every woman needs to hear and I am so sorry that there are ignorant people out there who don’t have anything better to do than make snarky comments about people they know nothing about.
I never comment on blog posts but this time I felt the need to. You are enough. You are beautiful. You are a wonderful mother. Your post said what every woman needs to hear and I am so sorry that there are ignorant people out there who don’t have anything better to do than make snarky comments about people they know nothing about.
I never comment on blog posts but this time I felt the need to. You are enough. You are beautiful. You are a wonderful mother. Your post said what every woman needs to hear and I am so sorry that there are ignorant people out there who don’t have anything better to do than make snarky comments about people they know nothing about.
Man oh man, some of those comments are awful, and when I read them, I think that maybe the commenters are struggling with their own insecurities, so they feel the need to cut others down. That being said, I think you are great, and I think your legs are awesome! I too have what some people would refer to as "thick legs", but they are strong and muscular and my favorite thing about me. I think that more people should just stick to the saying "If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all" I am so sorry that you had to see these comments, I think you are doing wonderful things here with this blog. Please keep it up, and know that you are loved!!!
Man oh man, some of those comments are awful, and when I read them, I think that maybe the commenters are struggling with their own insecurities, so they feel the need to cut others down. That being said, I think you are great, and I think your legs are awesome! I too have what some people would refer to as "thick legs", but they are strong and muscular and my favorite thing about me. I think that more people should just stick to the saying "If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all" I am so sorry that you had to see these comments, I think you are doing wonderful things here with this blog. Please keep it up, and know that you are loved!!!
Man oh man, some of those comments are awful, and when I read them, I think that maybe the commenters are struggling with their own insecurities, so they feel the need to cut others down. That being said, I think you are great, and I think your legs are awesome! I too have what some people would refer to as "thick legs", but they are strong and muscular and my favorite thing about me. I think that more people should just stick to the saying "If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all" I am so sorry that you had to see these comments, I think you are doing wonderful things here with this blog. Please keep it up, and know that you are loved!!!
I too never comment on blogs but I must. At the end of our lives we will never be sorry if we lived out our lives in the priorities our Father laid out. He is the maestro in fact, so His wisdom trumps the worlds ways of navigating through life. He comes first, then family then work, etc… it’s not easy but when we are confused, this clears things up. His creation of you Lauren, is so pleasing to Him and He loves everything about you and especially that great smile. Relish in the reality that He gives us everything for life ( 2 Peter 1) and it goes well when we depend on Him. Don’t fret-mean people only hurt themselves -love is stronger❤️
I too never comment on blogs but I must. At the end of our lives we will never be sorry if we lived out our lives in the priorities our Father laid out. He is the maestro in fact, so His wisdom trumps the worlds ways of navigating through life. He comes first, then family then work, etc… it’s not easy but when we are confused, this clears things up. His creation of you Lauren, is so pleasing to Him and He loves everything about you and especially that great smile. Relish in the reality that He gives us everything for life ( 2 Peter 1) and it goes well when we depend on Him. Don’t fret-mean people only hurt themselves -love is stronger❤️
I too never comment on blogs but I must. At the end of our lives we will never be sorry if we lived out our lives in the priorities our Father laid out. He is the maestro in fact, so His wisdom trumps the worlds ways of navigating through life. He comes first, then family then work, etc… it’s not easy but when we are confused, this clears things up. His creation of you Lauren, is so pleasing to Him and He loves everything about you and especially that great smile. Relish in the reality that He gives us everything for life ( 2 Peter 1) and it goes well when we depend on Him. Don’t fret-mean people only hurt themselves -love is stronger❤️
We moms of twins don’t owe anybody anything. Carrying twins is a big deal and taking care of them more so. Tell those bullies to put on their Adidas and step off!!
We moms of twins don’t owe anybody anything. Carrying twins is a big deal and taking care of them more so. Tell those bullies to put on their Adidas and step off!!
We moms of twins don’t owe anybody anything. Carrying twins is a big deal and taking care of them more so. Tell those bullies to put on their Adidas and step off!!
I loved reading this blog that was clearly written from your heart. I remember you styling me for my work pics years ago and I still get compliments on them! You were kind and fun to shop with and made me feel beautiful! Those that say and do things to hurt others are likely hurting inside themselves. The best advice I ever received was try to not internalize the hate – because their hate isn’t about you – it’s really their own insecurities and sadness coming through. Keep shining your bright & beautiful light because for every one of those mean comments there are a million nice ones from people who think you are amazing!
I loved reading this blog that was clearly written from your heart. I remember you styling me for my work pics years ago and I still get compliments on them! You were kind and fun to shop with and made me feel beautiful! Those that say and do things to hurt others are likely hurting inside themselves. The best advice I ever received was try to not internalize the hate – because their hate isn’t about you – it’s really their own insecurities and sadness coming through. Keep shining your bright & beautiful light because for every one of those mean comments there are a million nice ones from people who think you are amazing!
I loved reading this blog that was clearly written from your heart. I remember you styling me for my work pics years ago and I still get compliments on them! You were kind and fun to shop with and made me feel beautiful! Those that say and do things to hurt others are likely hurting inside themselves. The best advice I ever received was try to not internalize the hate – because their hate isn’t about you – it’s really their own insecurities and sadness coming through. Keep shining your bright & beautiful light because for every one of those mean comments there are a million nice ones from people who think you are amazing!
You are amazing inside and out. I pray you can forget about those comments as they are from cowards. It is easy to judge (but that is not our job) and even easier to do it while protected on the internet. At school, we call it cyber bullying. I am so sorry you saw them and even sorrier for those that felt writing those terrible things were worth their precious time. Time is precious. Each day all you can do is your personal best. No one is perfect! The struggle is real daily. Please know reading your blog is a way I relax and brightens my day. Keep doing what you do- you are amazing!
You are amazing inside and out. I pray you can forget about those comments as they are from cowards. It is easy to judge (but that is not our job) and even easier to do it while protected on the internet. At school, we call it cyber bullying. I am so sorry you saw them and even sorrier for those that felt writing those terrible things were worth their precious time. Time is precious. Each day all you can do is your personal best. No one is perfect! The struggle is real daily. Please know reading your blog is a way I relax and brightens my day. Keep doing what you do- you are amazing!
You are amazing inside and out. I pray you can forget about those comments as they are from cowards. It is easy to judge (but that is not our job) and even easier to do it while protected on the internet. At school, we call it cyber bullying. I am so sorry you saw them and even sorrier for those that felt writing those terrible things were worth their precious time. Time is precious. Each day all you can do is your personal best. No one is perfect! The struggle is real daily. Please know reading your blog is a way I relax and brightens my day. Keep doing what you do- you are amazing!
Hi Lauren, I am new to your blog. But I must say it’s AWESOME! I love your Insta stories too! You are BEAUTIFUL, FUNNY & STYLISH!! Keep up the good work! xoxo
Hi Lauren, I am new to your blog. But I must say it’s AWESOME! I love your Insta stories too! You are BEAUTIFUL, FUNNY & STYLISH!! Keep up the good work! xoxo
Hi Lauren, I am new to your blog. But I must say it’s AWESOME! I love your Insta stories too! You are BEAUTIFUL, FUNNY & STYLISH!! Keep up the good work! xoxo
I never comment but hear this: You are uniquely, beautifully you designed by God for a purpose only you can fulfill! Strong women are the ones lifting others up not pointing out flaws. God bless!
I never comment but hear this: You are uniquely, beautifully you designed by God for a purpose only you can fulfill! Strong women are the ones lifting others up not pointing out flaws. God bless!
I never comment but hear this: You are uniquely, beautifully you designed by God for a purpose only you can fulfill! Strong women are the ones lifting others up not pointing out flaws. God bless!
Wonderful blog! I’m not a blogger. I don’t know if I could put myself out there every day!!! You are strong!!! You are beautiful!!!! I too suffer from anxiety attacks which are debilitating. This world we live in spins too fast. Maybe it’s time for you to skip off for a while and take time to heal yourself. 😘🙏❤️
Wonderful blog! I’m not a blogger. I don’t know if I could put myself out there every day!!! You are strong!!! You are beautiful!!!! I too suffer from anxiety attacks which are debilitating. This world we live in spins too fast. Maybe it’s time for you to skip off for a while and take time to heal yourself. 😘🙏❤️
Wonderful blog! I’m not a blogger. I don’t know if I could put myself out there every day!!! You are strong!!! You are beautiful!!!! I too suffer from anxiety attacks which are debilitating. This world we live in spins too fast. Maybe it’s time for you to skip off for a while and take time to heal yourself. 😘🙏❤️
Keep doing you, it’s awesome!
Keep doing you, it’s awesome!
Keep doing you, it’s awesome!
You are the only fashion blogger I follow. I love the fact that you look very fit and not like you are starving. You have given me so many good style ideas over the years. Don’t change, and don’t measure your self-worth by what a handful of mean, hateful women say. The fact that they took the time to do this shows how very sad their life must be. Keep inspiring us and keep being real!
You are the only fashion blogger I follow. I love the fact that you look very fit and not like you are starving. You have given me so many good style ideas over the years. Don’t change, and don’t measure your self-worth by what a handful of mean, hateful women say. The fact that they took the time to do this shows how very sad their life must be. Keep inspiring us and keep being real!
You are the only fashion blogger I follow. I love the fact that you look very fit and not like you are starving. You have given me so many good style ideas over the years. Don’t change, and don’t measure your self-worth by what a handful of mean, hateful women say. The fact that they took the time to do this shows how very sad their life must be. Keep inspiring us and keep being real!
I will never understand why people follow someone on social media just to cut them down. It’s ridiculous and sad. Your post was awesome. I hope a lot of people read it and it touches them the way it touched me. I think if we tried putting ourselves in other people’s shoes more often, there would be less judgment. We would probably see that as women, we have more in common than we think. Don’t judge someone because they are probably judging themselves enough already. We need to realize we are good enough. Its great to be a work in prigress because it means you’re trying. Your posts are always so positive and refreshing. Keep doing what you do! More love!
I will never understand why people follow someone on social media just to cut them down. It’s ridiculous and sad. Your post was awesome. I hope a lot of people read it and it touches them the way it touched me. I think if we tried putting ourselves in other people’s shoes more often, there would be less judgment. We would probably see that as women, we have more in common than we think. Don’t judge someone because they are probably judging themselves enough already. We need to realize we are good enough. Its great to be a work in prigress because it means you’re trying. Your posts are always so positive and refreshing. Keep doing what you do! More love!
I will never understand why people follow someone on social media just to cut them down. It’s ridiculous and sad. Your post was awesome. I hope a lot of people read it and it touches them the way it touched me. I think if we tried putting ourselves in other people’s shoes more often, there would be less judgment. We would probably see that as women, we have more in common than we think. Don’t judge someone because they are probably judging themselves enough already. We need to realize we are good enough. Its great to be a work in prigress because it means you’re trying. Your posts are always so positive and refreshing. Keep doing what you do! More love!
Love this so much and you Lauren! Thank you for your voice and here’s to not listening to the lies! You are so beautiful inside and out and don’t ever listen to anyone who tells you otherwise!
Love this so much and you Lauren! Thank you for your voice and here’s to not listening to the lies! You are so beautiful inside and out and don’t ever listen to anyone who tells you otherwise!
Love this so much and you Lauren! Thank you for your voice and here’s to not listening to the lies! You are so beautiful inside and out and don’t ever listen to anyone who tells you otherwise!
Good blog today, and you are right. stick to who you are. I love your quote and it’s right, when the tide rises, all ships sail.
Good blog today, and you are right. stick to who you are. I love your quote and it’s right, when the tide rises, all ships sail.
Good blog today, and you are right. stick to who you are. I love your quote and it’s right, when the tide rises, all ships sail.
You are beautiful!! Definitely one of my favorites to follow… You have a fun personality and great style! I don’t know why people are so hateful but most often it’s because they need to make themselves feel better by putting others down… I know it’s easier said then done but forget them!! Know you are beautiful and have people who think your amazing and love seeing your posts and watching your stories 💕 I know I do!! Keep being you
You are beautiful!! Definitely one of my favorites to follow… You have a fun personality and great style! I don’t know why people are so hateful but most often it’s because they need to make themselves feel better by putting others down… I know it’s easier said then done but forget them!! Know you are beautiful and have people who think your amazing and love seeing your posts and watching your stories 💕 I know I do!! Keep being you
You are beautiful!! Definitely one of my favorites to follow… You have a fun personality and great style! I don’t know why people are so hateful but most often it’s because they need to make themselves feel better by putting others down… I know it’s easier said then done but forget them!! Know you are beautiful and have people who think your amazing and love seeing your posts and watching your stories 💕 I know I do!! Keep being you
You are amazing ! Don’t allow negative hateful people to bring you down ! As someone who struggles with anxiety I can understand what you’ve are going thru. Women need to be more supportive of each other and stop being so judgemental of other people that they know nothing about ! Keep being the best YOU that you can be ! Sending love and hugs ❤️
You are amazing ! Don’t allow negative hateful people to bring you down ! As someone who struggles with anxiety I can understand what you’ve are going thru. Women need to be more supportive of each other and stop being so judgemental of other people that they know nothing about ! Keep being the best YOU that you can be ! Sending love and hugs ❤️
You are amazing ! Don’t allow negative hateful people to bring you down ! As someone who struggles with anxiety I can understand what you’ve are going thru. Women need to be more supportive of each other and stop being so judgemental of other people that they know nothing about ! Keep being the best YOU that you can be ! Sending love and hugs ❤️
I love this! You keep being you! Don’t change for any one! 😘
I love this! You keep being you! Don’t change for any one! 😘
I love this! You keep being you! Don’t change for any one! 😘
It is so crazy to me that people treat each other so horribly!! I think you are absolutely beautiful and I love reading your blog and following you on Instagram! I have also had a really hard body image year and I’ve honestly looked at your posts and thought, I really wish I could look as fabulous and put together as her!!
It is so crazy to me that people treat each other so horribly!! I think you are absolutely beautiful and I love reading your blog and following you on Instagram! I have also had a really hard body image year and I’ve honestly looked at your posts and thought, I really wish I could look as fabulous and put together as her!!
It is so crazy to me that people treat each other so horribly!! I think you are absolutely beautiful and I love reading your blog and following you on Instagram! I have also had a really hard body image year and I’ve honestly looked at your posts and thought, I really wish I could look as fabulous and put together as her!!
I ♥️♥️Your IG & stories!! I love your style! I thought you were fabulous @ NYFW!! Your blog was vulnerable & genuine and you are spot on with your thoughts & philosophy on empowerment, giving grace & love!! "When the tide rises, all ships sail."
Keeping being YOU!!
I ♥️♥️Your IG & stories!! I love your style! I thought you were fabulous @ NYFW!! Your blog was vulnerable & genuine and you are spot on with your thoughts & philosophy on empowerment, giving grace & love!! "When the tide rises, all ships sail."
Keeping being YOU!!
I ♥️♥️Your IG & stories!! I love your style! I thought you were fabulous @ NYFW!! Your blog was vulnerable & genuine and you are spot on with your thoughts & philosophy on empowerment, giving grace & love!! "When the tide rises, all ships sail."
Keeping being YOU!!
You are so beautiful inside and out! Happy, secure people have no need to put others down. Just keep being your ridiculously fabulous self!
You are so beautiful inside and out! Happy, secure people have no need to put others down. Just keep being your ridiculously fabulous self!
You are so beautiful inside and out! Happy, secure people have no need to put others down. Just keep being your ridiculously fabulous self!
This makes me so sad to read. Not surprising but sad. People can be so ugly and so quick to judge others. I’ve always believed that those individuals that choose to put down others are just very unhappy with themselves. It’s easier to turn their focus elsewhere. We should be building one another up not tearing others apart. Lauren you are a beautiful Mama with beautiful style and you just keep doing you!! You have a gorgeous smile and quite honestly I love your look and you have AMAZING legs!! Hell I would wear those short dresses too if I had your legs! Easier said than done but let the haters hate girl! You’ve already shown to be better than them. Xoxo
This makes me so sad to read. Not surprising but sad. People can be so ugly and so quick to judge others. I’ve always believed that those individuals that choose to put down others are just very unhappy with themselves. It’s easier to turn their focus elsewhere. We should be building one another up not tearing others apart. Lauren you are a beautiful Mama with beautiful style and you just keep doing you!! You have a gorgeous smile and quite honestly I love your look and you have AMAZING legs!! Hell I would wear those short dresses too if I had your legs! Easier said than done but let the haters hate girl! You’ve already shown to be better than them. Xoxo
This makes me so sad to read. Not surprising but sad. People can be so ugly and so quick to judge others. I’ve always believed that those individuals that choose to put down others are just very unhappy with themselves. It’s easier to turn their focus elsewhere. We should be building one another up not tearing others apart. Lauren you are a beautiful Mama with beautiful style and you just keep doing you!! You have a gorgeous smile and quite honestly I love your look and you have AMAZING legs!! Hell I would wear those short dresses too if I had your legs! Easier said than done but let the haters hate girl! You’ve already shown to be better than them. Xoxo
Love this Lauren! So well said and very true. Thank you for being You!!– you are a blessing to us all. Thanks for being brave and writing this!!
Love this Lauren! So well said and very true. Thank you for being You!!– you are a blessing to us all. Thanks for being brave and writing this!!
Love this Lauren! So well said and very true. Thank you for being You!!– you are a blessing to us all. Thanks for being brave and writing this!!
Hi. This is the first blog of yours I have ever read and it touched me deeply. You are amazing and enough. I will be following your blog now and thanks to Jenna Green for sharing.
Hi. This is the first blog of yours I have ever read and it touched me deeply. You are amazing and enough. I will be following your blog now and thanks to Jenna Green for sharing.
Hi. This is the first blog of yours I have ever read and it touched me deeply. You are amazing and enough. I will be following your blog now and thanks to Jenna Green for sharing.
Grace not perfection. You’re doing great. Keep being you.
You ARE enough! You are beautiful and brave to write what so many of us feel every.single.day. Keep smiling and keep showing your beauty inside and out!!
You ARE enough! You are beautiful and brave to write what so many of us feel every.single.day. Keep smiling and keep showing your beauty inside and out!!
You ARE enough! You are beautiful and brave to write what so many of us feel every.single.day. Keep smiling and keep showing your beauty inside and out!!
Excellent post. I’ve always thought you were a "real" and approachable person—and I believe if I said hi at Phipps or Perimeter, you’d be sweet right back. Please don’t let those people saying ugly things hurt you. It is so easy to be snarky behind a keyboard. That’s the downside to social media. It allows the ugly to have a bigger stage than it deserves because of the anonymity provided.
Keep on, Lauren. I enjoy your account and appreciate all the advice–fashion and otherwise!
Excellent post. I’ve always thought you were a "real" and approachable person—and I believe if I said hi at Phipps or Perimeter, you’d be sweet right back. Please don’t let those people saying ugly things hurt you. It is so easy to be snarky behind a keyboard. That’s the downside to social media. It allows the ugly to have a bigger stage than it deserves because of the anonymity provided.
Keep on, Lauren. I enjoy your account and appreciate all the advice–fashion and otherwise!
Excellent post. I’ve always thought you were a "real" and approachable person—and I believe if I said hi at Phipps or Perimeter, you’d be sweet right back. Please don’t let those people saying ugly things hurt you. It is so easy to be snarky behind a keyboard. That’s the downside to social media. It allows the ugly to have a bigger stage than it deserves because of the anonymity provided.
Keep on, Lauren. I enjoy your account and appreciate all the advice–fashion and otherwise!
This is sooooo beautifully stated!!!!!!! You are more than enough. We are all more than enough. We all need to learn to celebrate one another and not stoop to the low place of pointing out someone’s flaws. You are so right that we already do it to ourselves!!!! Girl, you are beautiful, have great style, have a HOT body, and such an inspiration to all of us. Let those ugly words just be thrown in the out of hell!!!! Ha!!!!
This is sooooo beautifully stated!!!!!!! You are more than enough. We are all more than enough. We all need to learn to celebrate one another and not stoop to the low place of pointing out someone’s flaws. You are so right that we already do it to ourselves!!!! Girl, you are beautiful, have great style, have a HOT body, and such an inspiration to all of us. Let those ugly words just be thrown in the out of hell!!!! Ha!!!!
This is sooooo beautifully stated!!!!!!! You are more than enough. We are all more than enough. We all need to learn to celebrate one another and not stoop to the low place of pointing out someone’s flaws. You are so right that we already do it to ourselves!!!! Girl, you are beautiful, have great style, have a HOT body, and such an inspiration to all of us. Let those ugly words just be thrown in the out of hell!!!! Ha!!!!
When I look at your pictures I always think "why am I not as perfect as she is?" and "why can’t I fit into the sizes she sells on @shopeditbylauren? I’ve never even had kids and I’m bigger than her!" It’s kind of funny, right? It’s all in the eye of the beholder. Hope that you can focus on the beholders that love you 🙂
When I look at your pictures I always think "why am I not as perfect as she is?" and "why can’t I fit into the sizes she sells on @shopeditbylauren? I’ve never even had kids and I’m bigger than her!" It’s kind of funny, right? It’s all in the eye of the beholder. Hope that you can focus on the beholders that love you 🙂
When I look at your pictures I always think "why am I not as perfect as she is?" and "why can’t I fit into the sizes she sells on @shopeditbylauren? I’ve never even had kids and I’m bigger than her!" It’s kind of funny, right? It’s all in the eye of the beholder. Hope that you can focus on the beholders that love you 🙂
Isn’t it the same old adage, people cutting others down to feel better about themselves? Good for you for calling attention to it. It’s always interesting to me how people feel so empowered to post things on social media that they would NEVER say to someone’s face!!! Keep on being you and proud of who you are 🙌
Isn’t it the same old adage, people cutting others down to feel better about themselves? Good for you for calling attention to it. It’s always interesting to me how people feel so empowered to post things on social media that they would NEVER say to someone’s face!!! Keep on being you and proud of who you are 🙌
Isn’t it the same old adage, people cutting others down to feel better about themselves? Good for you for calling attention to it. It’s always interesting to me how people feel so empowered to post things on social media that they would NEVER say to someone’s face!!! Keep on being you and proud of who you are 🙌
You are beautiful and inspiring and I love your style and watching your tips and stories! Keep swimming girl! Haters gonna hate, but you are created in God’s image.. shine on!
You are beautiful and inspiring and I love your style and watching your tips and stories! Keep swimming girl! Haters gonna hate, but you are created in God’s image.. shine on!
You are beautiful and inspiring and I love your style and watching your tips and stories! Keep swimming girl! Haters gonna hate, but you are created in God’s image.. shine on!
I’m so sorry! I enjoy reading and seeing all of my instagram blogs that I follow. If I ever even suspect someone is unkind they are immediately unfollowed. One of my favorites has shut down her instagram accounts because of this exact issue. People need to look in the mirror and realize we are all human and have flaws so be kind to one another❣️
I’m so sorry! I enjoy reading and seeing all of my instagram blogs that I follow. If I ever even suspect someone is unkind they are immediately unfollowed. One of my favorites has shut down her instagram accounts because of this exact issue. People need to look in the mirror and realize we are all human and have flaws so be kind to one another❣️
I’m so sorry! I enjoy reading and seeing all of my instagram blogs that I follow. If I ever even suspect someone is unkind they are immediately unfollowed. One of my favorites has shut down her instagram accounts because of this exact issue. People need to look in the mirror and realize we are all human and have flaws so be kind to one another❣️
This was an awesome post! Your message was totally on point. Thanks so much for being you and for sharing your thoughts!
This was an awesome post! Your message was totally on point. Thanks so much for being you and for sharing your thoughts!
This was an awesome post! Your message was totally on point. Thanks so much for being you and for sharing your thoughts!
This is amazing and so true ❤️❤️
This is amazing and so true ❤️❤️
This is amazing and so true ❤️❤️
Don’t believe the lies! I’ve never commented before but I actually started following you because I think you’re cute as heck and I love to see your fashion because I think we are about the same size. And girl, you have smoking hot legs!! 😉
Don’t believe the lies! I’ve never commented before but I actually started following you because I think you’re cute as heck and I love to see your fashion because I think we are about the same size. And girl, you have smoking hot legs!! 😉
Don’t believe the lies! I’ve never commented before but I actually started following you because I think you’re cute as heck and I love to see your fashion because I think we are about the same size. And girl, you have smoking hot legs!! 😉
I’m so sorry! No one should be subjected to nasty, hateful comments. What is wrong with people??Didn’t anyone ever tell the haters if they don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all? Sheesh. I do really enjoy your blog and IG. You are beautiful (and stylish) the way you are! Stay strong….and karma’s a bitch.
I follow you on IG because I think you are precious! You are perfect and I’m sorry there are haters full of their own hate, turning it around on you. DO NOT CHANGE FOR THEM! You are phenomenal as Maya Angelou put it. After reading this blog post I say to you "you are perfectly imperfect". God made us to be different and if we were all the same how boring would this world be!!??😳 You make my day when I’m having a bad one and I scroll through to an 😍 adorable post of yours. Remember that. Remember that there are more of us out here that you bring HAPPINESS to than there are those who "hate" because they can’t deal with their imperfections. 😘 (Thick legs are the best legs!)
I follow you on IG because I think you are precious! You are perfect and I’m sorry there are haters full of their own hate, turning it around on you. DO NOT CHANGE FOR THEM! You are phenomenal as Maya Angelou put it. After reading this blog post I say to you "you are perfectly imperfect". God made us to be different and if we were all the same how boring would this world be!!??😳 You make my day when I’m having a bad one and I scroll through to an 😍 adorable post of yours. Remember that. Remember that there are more of us out here that you bring HAPPINESS to than there are those who "hate" because they can’t deal with their imperfections. 😘 (Thick legs are the best legs!)
I follow you on IG because I think you are precious! You are perfect and I’m sorry there are haters full of their own hate, turning it around on you. DO NOT CHANGE FOR THEM! You are phenomenal as Maya Angelou put it. After reading this blog post I say to you "you are perfectly imperfect". God made us to be different and if we were all the same how boring would this world be!!??😳 You make my day when I’m having a bad one and I scroll through to an 😍 adorable post of yours. Remember that. Remember that there are more of us out here that you bring HAPPINESS to than there are those who "hate" because they can’t deal with their imperfections. 😘 (Thick legs are the best legs!)
I’m sorry to learn you have experienced such cruelty, Lauren. Thank you for being so brave and honest with your post. I believe all hatefulness comes from a place of feeling inadequate. It’s just too bad that all of us women with plenty still have so many feelings of not being enough…
I’m sorry to learn you have experienced such cruelty, Lauren. Thank you for being so brave and honest with your post. I believe all hatefulness comes from a place of feeling inadequate. It’s just too bad that all of us women with plenty still have so many feelings of not being enough…
I’m sorry to learn you have experienced such cruelty, Lauren. Thank you for being so brave and honest with your post. I believe all hatefulness comes from a place of feeling inadequate. It’s just too bad that all of us women with plenty still have so many feelings of not being enough…
I love your blog and your Instagram posts so much, Lauren! You were one of the first bloggers that I started following on Instagram, and I love your gorgeous style so much! ❤
Btw, as a working mom, I feel the exact same insecurities that you mentioned above on a constant basis! Nobody is perfect, and we all just do the best that we can 🙂
I love your blog and your Instagram posts so much, Lauren! You were one of the first bloggers that I started following on Instagram, and I love your gorgeous style so much! ❤
Btw, as a working mom, I feel the exact same insecurities that you mentioned above on a constant basis! Nobody is perfect, and we all just do the best that we can 🙂
I love your blog and your Instagram posts so much, Lauren! You were one of the first bloggers that I started following on Instagram, and I love your gorgeous style so much! ❤
Btw, as a working mom, I feel the exact same insecurities that you mentioned above on a constant basis! Nobody is perfect, and we all just do the best that we can 🙂
You are beautiful. What you wrote was beautiful. Don’t let hateful words cause any self doubt – your blogs are my favorite thing to look at. They give me a break from being a working mother, they give me "me" time, and have given me the ability to try to figure out/put together my early 30’s mom style. Keep your head up!
You are beautiful. What you wrote was beautiful. Don’t let hateful words cause any self doubt – your blogs are my favorite thing to look at. They give me a break from being a working mother, they give me "me" time, and have given me the ability to try to figure out/put together my early 30’s mom style. Keep your head up!
You are beautiful. What you wrote was beautiful. Don’t let hateful words cause any self doubt – your blogs are my favorite thing to look at. They give me a break from being a working mother, they give me "me" time, and have given me the ability to try to figure out/put together my early 30’s mom style. Keep your head up!
Our society right now is just so hateful. It makes me sad for my kids. We do need to stop the hate. There’s plenty of room for all the “bloggers” to play and to play nice. I’m playing around with starting my own blog as a hobby but this snarkiness has crossed my mind. I’m 5’2” and a size 6. That’s “big” in some people’s books and I’m scared to put myself out there.
I think you’re very cute and fun. I love your bubbly personality and I’m trying to figure out how you do it all with twins! I like your legs! I like that you look like an average woman. It makes me feel like I can pull off some of the looks too because I can relate. Keep doing what you’re doing knowing you inspire way more women than you annoy. ☺️
Our society right now is just so hateful. It makes me sad for my kids. We do need to stop the hate. There’s plenty of room for all the “bloggers” to play and to play nice. I’m playing around with starting my own blog as a hobby but this snarkiness has crossed my mind. I’m 5’2” and a size 6. That’s “big” in some people’s books and I’m scared to put myself out there.
I think you’re very cute and fun. I love your bubbly personality and I’m trying to figure out how you do it all with twins! I like your legs! I like that you look like an average woman. It makes me feel like I can pull off some of the looks too because I can relate. Keep doing what you’re doing knowing you inspire way more women than you annoy. ☺️
Our society right now is just so hateful. It makes me sad for my kids. We do need to stop the hate. There’s plenty of room for all the “bloggers” to play and to play nice. I’m playing around with starting my own blog as a hobby but this snarkiness has crossed my mind. I’m 5’2” and a size 6. That’s “big” in some people’s books and I’m scared to put myself out there.
I think you’re very cute and fun. I love your bubbly personality and I’m trying to figure out how you do it all with twins! I like your legs! I like that you look like an average woman. It makes me feel like I can pull off some of the looks too because I can relate. Keep doing what you’re doing knowing you inspire way more women than you annoy. ☺️
I don’t think it could be said any better! Seeing that not everyone has their shit together is just what is needed, it is real, not always pretty and it is human. We all have our daily struggles and it is no ones place to point out to ridicule anyone! I love this post and it was exactly what I needed today! You and everyone needs to know that you ARE ENOUGH….
I don’t think it could be said any better! Seeing that not everyone has their shit together is just what is needed, it is real, not always pretty and it is human. We all have our daily struggles and it is no ones place to point out to ridicule anyone! I love this post and it was exactly what I needed today! You and everyone needs to know that you ARE ENOUGH….
I don’t think it could be said any better! Seeing that not everyone has their shit together is just what is needed, it is real, not always pretty and it is human. We all have our daily struggles and it is no ones place to point out to ridicule anyone! I love this post and it was exactly what I needed today! You and everyone needs to know that you ARE ENOUGH….
You are an amazing woman of God, that does it all!! You are beautiful inside and out and your heart shines through in everything you do!!! Don’t let others steal your joy!!! You’re doing exactly what God created you to do… and you’re amazing!!!
You are an amazing woman of God, that does it all!! You are beautiful inside and out and your heart shines through in everything you do!!! Don’t let others steal your joy!!! You’re doing exactly what God created you to do… and you’re amazing!!!
You are an amazing woman of God, that does it all!! You are beautiful inside and out and your heart shines through in everything you do!!! Don’t let others steal your joy!!! You’re doing exactly what God created you to do… and you’re amazing!!!
GIRL. I couldn’t agree more and I somehow manage to stay off that absurd and honestly pathetic bashing site because the fact that anyone would spend their free time picking someone apart is both insane and sad. The best revenge?! Continue to push forward and create your own happiness and success. The last thing a hater wants is for you to be HAPPY AF so go on with your bad self!!!! XOXOXO Kathleen
GIRL. I couldn’t agree more and I somehow manage to stay off that absurd and honestly pathetic bashing site because the fact that anyone would spend their free time picking someone apart is both insane and sad. The best revenge?! Continue to push forward and create your own happiness and success. The last thing a hater wants is for you to be HAPPY AF so go on with your bad self!!!! XOXOXO Kathleen
GIRL. I couldn’t agree more and I somehow manage to stay off that absurd and honestly pathetic bashing site because the fact that anyone would spend their free time picking someone apart is both insane and sad. The best revenge?! Continue to push forward and create your own happiness and success. The last thing a hater wants is for you to be HAPPY AF so go on with your bad self!!!! XOXOXO Kathleen
Beautifully written and so true! Can you imagine if people spent that amount of energy they do in hate to lift someone else up? Thank you for writing this and I’m sorry that you had to read those nasty comments. It does remind me to make sure to respond positively to your amazing posts so that you know there is an entire audience cheering you on. Thank you!
Beautifully written and so true! Can you imagine if people spent that amount of energy they do in hate to lift someone else up? Thank you for writing this and I’m sorry that you had to read those nasty comments. It does remind me to make sure to respond positively to your amazing posts so that you know there is an entire audience cheering you on. Thank you!
Beautifully written and so true! Can you imagine if people spent that amount of energy they do in hate to lift someone else up? Thank you for writing this and I’m sorry that you had to read those nasty comments. It does remind me to make sure to respond positively to your amazing posts so that you know there is an entire audience cheering you on. Thank you!
Hi there, I don’t think I’ve ever commented on your blog before, but I’ve been following you for I think 2 years now. I want to personally thank you for doing what you do. I’m a tomboy, my family and I live on a small hobby farm with wild horses, goats, chickens, turkeys, peacocks, and working dogs. My daily uniform is jeans, a t-shirt, and boots! There is a girl lurking inside though, that loves style, fashion, makeup and getting dressed up. My husband loves when I get ‘dolled up’ as he puts it, and we have some military balls and other special events we attend annually and I always need help with ideas.
You are one of maybe 3 style bloggers I follow and seriously depend on for inspiration. There are a lot of style bloggers, and many are just not practical for a busy mom; I’m not looking for edgy, trendy, over the top fashion…you have beautiful, classic, practical ideas that I love. Yes some of your hemlines may be shorter, but if I had legs like yours I would rock them too! Instead I rock scrapes and bruises (thank you horses) and require more of a knee length hem and tights. Your legs do not look thick to me, they look very toned, healthy and athletic!
Have you ever heard the expression ‘What Susy says about Sally, says more about Susy than it does about Sally?’ Whoever wrote those comments about you is doing so from a place of darkness in their heart. Whoever made a blog just to tear others down is the one that is in need of our pity. In contrast, your blog is bright, uplifting, and positive; your intent is to help others. I hope you can find a way to limit how long you’ll allow those words to hurt you, and then put it away somewhere and throw away the key. Please don’t change for them, many people are rooting for you and appreciate you as you are. Please keep being the beautiful person you are!
Hi there, I don’t think I’ve ever commented on your blog before, but I’ve been following you for I think 2 years now. I want to personally thank you for doing what you do. I’m a tomboy, my family and I live on a small hobby farm with wild horses, goats, chickens, turkeys, peacocks, and working dogs. My daily uniform is jeans, a t-shirt, and boots! There is a girl lurking inside though, that loves style, fashion, makeup and getting dressed up. My husband loves when I get ‘dolled up’ as he puts it, and we have some military balls and other special events we attend annually and I always need help with ideas.
You are one of maybe 3 style bloggers I follow and seriously depend on for inspiration. There are a lot of style bloggers, and many are just not practical for a busy mom; I’m not looking for edgy, trendy, over the top fashion…you have beautiful, classic, practical ideas that I love. Yes some of your hemlines may be shorter, but if I had legs like yours I would rock them too! Instead I rock scrapes and bruises (thank you horses) and require more of a knee length hem and tights. Your legs do not look thick to me, they look very toned, healthy and athletic!
Have you ever heard the expression ‘What Susy says about Sally, says more about Susy than it does about Sally?’ Whoever wrote those comments about you is doing so from a place of darkness in their heart. Whoever made a blog just to tear others down is the one that is in need of our pity. In contrast, your blog is bright, uplifting, and positive; your intent is to help others. I hope you can find a way to limit how long you’ll allow those words to hurt you, and then put it away somewhere and throw away the key. Please don’t change for them, many people are rooting for you and appreciate you as you are. Please keep being the beautiful person you are!
Hi there, I don’t think I’ve ever commented on your blog before, but I’ve been following you for I think 2 years now. I want to personally thank you for doing what you do. I’m a tomboy, my family and I live on a small hobby farm with wild horses, goats, chickens, turkeys, peacocks, and working dogs. My daily uniform is jeans, a t-shirt, and boots! There is a girl lurking inside though, that loves style, fashion, makeup and getting dressed up. My husband loves when I get ‘dolled up’ as he puts it, and we have some military balls and other special events we attend annually and I always need help with ideas.
You are one of maybe 3 style bloggers I follow and seriously depend on for inspiration. There are a lot of style bloggers, and many are just not practical for a busy mom; I’m not looking for edgy, trendy, over the top fashion…you have beautiful, classic, practical ideas that I love. Yes some of your hemlines may be shorter, but if I had legs like yours I would rock them too! Instead I rock scrapes and bruises (thank you horses) and require more of a knee length hem and tights. Your legs do not look thick to me, they look very toned, healthy and athletic!
Have you ever heard the expression ‘What Susy says about Sally, says more about Susy than it does about Sally?’ Whoever wrote those comments about you is doing so from a place of darkness in their heart. Whoever made a blog just to tear others down is the one that is in need of our pity. In contrast, your blog is bright, uplifting, and positive; your intent is to help others. I hope you can find a way to limit how long you’ll allow those words to hurt you, and then put it away somewhere and throw away the key. Please don’t change for them, many people are rooting for you and appreciate you as you are. Please keep being the beautiful person you are!
Oh Lauren, I am so sad to read the ugly (and completely untrue) things those women said about you. I love your positivity and your open mouth smiles! When did any type of smile become a bad thing?? I know how hurtful those comments are, but you must keep in mind that they are from petty people who don’t really know you. Because if they did, they would be focusing on all of your great qualities!! Personally, I turn my volume up when your Instastories come on because I don’t want to miss anything! Please keep doing what you’re doing because I adore you. You’re the gal for the job!!
Much love,
Oh Lauren, I am so sad to read the ugly (and completely untrue) things those women said about you. I love your positivity and your open mouth smiles! When did any type of smile become a bad thing?? I know how hurtful those comments are, but you must keep in mind that they are from petty people who don’t really know you. Because if they did, they would be focusing on all of your great qualities!! Personally, I turn my volume up when your Instastories come on because I don’t want to miss anything! Please keep doing what you’re doing because I adore you. You’re the gal for the job!!
Much love,
Oh Lauren, I am so sad to read the ugly (and completely untrue) things those women said about you. I love your positivity and your open mouth smiles! When did any type of smile become a bad thing?? I know how hurtful those comments are, but you must keep in mind that they are from petty people who don’t really know you. Because if they did, they would be focusing on all of your great qualities!! Personally, I turn my volume up when your Instastories come on because I don’t want to miss anything! Please keep doing what you’re doing because I adore you. You’re the gal for the job!!
Much love,
You’re awesome!! Misery loves company, and they are trying to take the happiness and light that you reflect. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. People like this are so negative for no real reason. I struggled with infertility, and had to go the IVF route as well. You have strength, and courage to share that this hateful online breaking down of other women isn’t right. Thanks for sharing!!
You’re awesome!! Misery loves company, and they are trying to take the happiness and light that you reflect. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. People like this are so negative for no real reason. I struggled with infertility, and had to go the IVF route as well. You have strength, and courage to share that this hateful online breaking down of other women isn’t right. Thanks for sharing!!
You’re awesome!! Misery loves company, and they are trying to take the happiness and light that you reflect. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. People like this are so negative for no real reason. I struggled with infertility, and had to go the IVF route as well. You have strength, and courage to share that this hateful online breaking down of other women isn’t right. Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks for sharing! I L❤️VE this post. You are one classy lady. Way to show them how it’s done!
Thanks for sharing! I L❤️VE this post. You are one classy lady. Way to show them how it’s done!
Thanks for sharing! I L❤️VE this post. You are one classy lady. Way to show them how it’s done!
I LOVE your fashion pics and I LOVE that you look like a real woman. You are doing what you are passionate about and juggling all of the different roles in your life and that makes you a ROCKSTAR! Don’t let anyone cast a shadow on your sunshine, because you are inspiring many of us everyday.
Btw- If you don’t have Gregg Renfrew’s Melasma Cocktail Recipe, let me know! Xxoo
I LOVE your fashion pics and I LOVE that you look like a real woman. You are doing what you are passionate about and juggling all of the different roles in your life and that makes you a ROCKSTAR! Don’t let anyone cast a shadow on your sunshine, because you are inspiring many of us everyday.
Btw- If you don’t have Gregg Renfrew’s Melasma Cocktail Recipe, let me know! Xxoo
I LOVE your fashion pics and I LOVE that you look like a real woman. You are doing what you are passionate about and juggling all of the different roles in your life and that makes you a ROCKSTAR! Don’t let anyone cast a shadow on your sunshine, because you are inspiring many of us everyday.
Btw- If you don’t have Gregg Renfrew’s Melasma Cocktail Recipe, let me know! Xxoo
I can’t imagine why someone would say such cruel things about you. You are so beautiful and have such great style. I have never commented on any blog before and I just had to let you know how much I love following you! I love the way you dress and your style. When I need a new outfit your blog and Instagram are the first places I go to get ideas because I want to look as cute as you! I wore your Girl about Town lipstick all summer!!! Keep doing what you do and be confident because the haters are always gonna hate!
From one of your biggest fans,
I can’t imagine why someone would say such cruel things about you. You are so beautiful and have such great style. I have never commented on any blog before and I just had to let you know how much I love following you! I love the way you dress and your style. When I need a new outfit your blog and Instagram are the first places I go to get ideas because I want to look as cute as you! I wore your Girl about Town lipstick all summer!!! Keep doing what you do and be confident because the haters are always gonna hate!
From one of your biggest fans,
I can’t imagine why someone would say such cruel things about you. You are so beautiful and have such great style. I have never commented on any blog before and I just had to let you know how much I love following you! I love the way you dress and your style. When I need a new outfit your blog and Instagram are the first places I go to get ideas because I want to look as cute as you! I wore your Girl about Town lipstick all summer!!! Keep doing what you do and be confident because the haters are always gonna hate!
From one of your biggest fans,
Girl. They are just jealous because they don’t have your success. Don’t let it throw ya! Keep up the good (and BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL) work. You are a REAL woman, pointing all the rest of us real women to the pretties! You are ON TRACK and IN YOUR PRIME!
Girl. They are just jealous because they don’t have your success. Don’t let it throw ya! Keep up the good (and BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL) work. You are a REAL woman, pointing all the rest of us real women to the pretties! You are ON TRACK and IN YOUR PRIME!
Girl. They are just jealous because they don’t have your success. Don’t let it throw ya! Keep up the good (and BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL) work. You are a REAL woman, pointing all the rest of us real women to the pretties! You are ON TRACK and IN YOUR PRIME!